In a fantastic example of how much the times have changed, the front-page, above-the-fold story in this morning’s USA Today, the “nation’s newspaper,” is about the “growing national movement” to reform marijuana laws.
Quoting numerous voices from within the marijuana policy reform movement, including MPP’s Kurt Gardinier, the piece highlights the growing public support for ending marijuana prohibition, paying particular attention to the many states that have passed or proposed legislation to allow medical marijuana, eliminate criminal penalties for possession, and even tax and regulate the nation’s largest cash crop like alcohol.
Years ago, such a huge splash in the mainstream media would have been hard to fathom. Hopefully it will serve to further sway public opinion in favor of much-needed reform.
From MPP Website
Grow Weed
14 years ago
Some of the herbal blend was legalized but in selected states. It can be helpful in other way.